"The training was excellent. I got more out of 1stVoice's training in 6 hours than from another consultant in 18 hours." ~ J.D.
Dragon Software & Solutions
Train your DragonAfter struggling through the manual on my own, 1stVoice really helped me understand how to use the software for my specific needs. It made a huge difference in my productivity." D.M. People who place a high value on their time and productivity should strongly consider one-on-one training.
Used properly, Dragon is amazing. But voice recognition software is inherently complex and idiosyncratic. Simple issues like improper microphone position can lead many people to give up before seeing Dragon's full potential. Voice recognition software's accuracy relies on proper user habits, including cadence of speech. Industry surveys have shown that only small percentage of users are successful when trying to figure out voice recognition software on their own. Many clients come to 1stVoice having worked with Dragon with less than complete success, looking for expert assistance. Working with our experienced trainers can help establish good voice user habits early, leading to less frustration and greater productivity. Our training services have consistently provided superior results at lower cost when compared with our competition. This modest investment in technology and training has been money very well spent. Implementation would not have been as seamless and as positive without 1stVoice's wonderful guidance and support. Our Training
Upon request, 1stVoice will recommend a training plan. The length of training varies depending on many factors, including comfort with computers in general, aptitude for picking up new programs, clarity of speech, accent, tasks to be performed, nature and extent of any physical impairment, medical restrictions, and budget. We will never try to talk you into more hours than you need just to keep our accountant happy. Our training teaches clients to properly:
In-person and remote training 1st Voice provides on-site training throughout the San Francisco Bay and Northern California area. When you purchase voice recognition software from us, if you are outside of our on-site service range, we can refer you to a Dragon certified trainer in your area or provide training over Remote Desktop connection. Remote Desktop isn't as effective as in-person, but it can greatly reduce logistics and cost that might otherwise keep you from getting training at all. A cost-effective training plan can include the initial training session in person to maximize results, with any follow-up needed done by Remote Desktop. Nuance-Certified Training Be sure to work only with a Nuance-certified trainer and reseller, who will have ample expertise and direct access to Nuance’s internal technical support team, and can offer the level of support you need. 1stVoice has been certified by the owners of the Dragon software for 19 years. Contact us to discuss your training needs, whether for an individual or for an entire organization. |